Category: News Updates

by Techy1 / on 18 April, 2021

Capability to Add Value in Environmental Protection

Our stoves are capable of preserving heat and that’s where the environmental impact element comes from. Our products reduce fuel consumption hence reducing carbon emissions, domestic expenses, etc.
by Techy1 / on 19 November, 2020

Modern Kitchen for your affordable unlimited cooking

Modern Kitchen for your affordable unlimited cookingIf you are planning a house or have one already built, consider a well designed room for a modern kitchen – a permanent stove provision with a BBQ side, oven and multiple cooking points. Get in Touch: Please
by Techy1 / on 18 June, 2020

Optimized Processes in the Factory

One more video produced by EEP is out! Meet UGASTOVE – the company behind the first modern cookstove factory in Uganda. With EEP funding UGASTOVE has optimized its processes in the factory and is expected to produce yearly 240,000 energy-efficient charcoal stoves, woodfire stoves